Wednesday, March 31, 2010

From Snowboarding to Sailing... Now to Surfing

We found this story in the York Weekly and thought it was worth sharing. It is about Grain Surfboards and the entreprenuer who started the company. Sure Grain is an interesting concept - hollow core wooden surfboards made from locally grown (natural and sustainable) wood.

Even more interesting is that the founder's heritage is as a former boat builder and he is creating these surfboards based on wooden boat building design.

But the real reason we like this story is because exemplifies our view that those folks who like sailing, usually participate in a number of water sports and in a variety of ways. Those who race might also daysail. Those who cruise their own boats often like to crew in regattas. Those who frostbite also like to get out on their kite or windsurfer.

In this case, Mike LaVecchia's list of things to do on the water seems never ending. He sailed with his family as a child, went on to get his 25-ton captian's license, ran a sailing charter business and then started refurbishing old wooden boats and selling them. Mike then became a project manager for Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, where he was in charge of replicating a cargo ship. Finally, his "pull" to the water led him to surfing where the idea of using wooden boat building techniques for surfboards was born.

Today, Grain Surfboards is building dreamboards and custom boards, and is helping lead the way in innovative designs and materials.

Mike is living proof that the water has many children and that, no matter what your age, it is always fun to go out and play where wind, water and waves all come together.

For more on Mike and his story, click here.

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